Know thine enemy – Michael Farrell picks up the perennial topic of machine translation post-editing


There is no hiding it: the original idea of machine translation (MT) was to replace human translators completely. Way back in the 1950s (yes, MT is that old – older actually), when the first computer translation systems came into being, some of the researchers working on them were predicting that translators – or at least technical translators – would be gone within a matter of years.

Published in

ITI Bulletin, September-October 2023


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Michael Farrell is primarily a freelance translator and transcreator. Over the years he has acquired experience in the cultural tourism field and in transcreating advertising copy and press releases, chiefly for the promotion of technology products. Besides this, he is also an untenured lecturer in post-editing, machine translation and computer tools for translators at the International University of Languages and Media (IULM), Milan, Italy, the developer of the terminology search tool IntelliWebSearch, a qualified member of the Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters (AITI) and a member of Mediterranean Editors and Translators.