Workshops, seminars and courses

I have spoken/taught at various workshops, seminars and courses at conferences, associations and universities since 2000.

workshops, seminars and courses
My seminars, workshops and courses fall broadly into one of the following areas:

Post-editing, machine translation and computer tools for translators

Some general talks on computer-assisted translation tools, other specific workshops and courses devoted to translation environment tools (TEnTs), such as Déjà Vu X and Wordfast. and courses and talks on the theory and practice of machine translation and post-editing.
The most recent events are listed below. See other noteworthy events.

Internet search techniques for translators and interpreters

Theory seminars and practical workshops, including training with IntelliWebSearch.
The most recent events are listed below. See other notable events.

Marketing and client relations for freelance translators

Worth noting in particular are the presentations on client relations (the conspicuous translator), client satisfaction surveys and the use of CVs, brochures and websites. See other similar events.


Workshops and presentations on the differences between normal translation and transcreation. See all transcreation events.

Web publishing and website editing

Food translation

Translation for the food industry.

If you are looking for a speaker or presenter for an event similar to the ones described above, please contact me.