Tag: Presentation

A freelance translator needs a CV like a fish needs a bicycle

Is a painstakingly designed CV the right way to land freelance projects?
The speaker will attempt to persuade attendees that a CV is not only totally the wrong tool for the job, but actually harmful.

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The Web’s the limit with IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited

Wordfast User Conference in Nice, France, on 28-30 April 2016

Wordfast User Conference in Nice, France, on 28-30 April 2016

The presentation is divided into two parts. The first takes a look at IntelliWebSearch’s basic features to see how it can be used to speed up and simplify terminology searches on the Internet: direct search shortcut keys, the return shortcut key, GroupSearch, Ad Hoc Plurisearch and setting up new search parameters using the IntelliWebSearch Wizard. The second consists of a live demo of the tool’s main features .

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Client Satisfaction Surveys for Freelance Translators

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The truth about transcreation – A closely guarded secret you really ought to know

Michael Farrell sets about establishing what transcreation actually involves by analysing how it differs from other language services, such as localization and traditional translation, and provides a little background and history of the term. He then goes on to perform a Gedankenexperiment to look at what the layman, including potential clients, might think transcreation actually is. Primarily, however, the main purpose of the presentation is to unmask the closet transcreators among the attendees through a group therapy approach and encourage them to admit publicly to their repressed true nature in the interest of their health, well-being, and possibly even their bank balances.

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Solving Terminology Problems More Quickly with IntelliWebSearch

56th annual conference of the American Translators AssociationWithout a time-saving tool, checking terms entails copying words to your Windows clipboard repeatedly, opening your browser, opening the most appropriate online resources, pasting terms into search boxes, setting search parameters, clicking search buttons, analysing results, copying the best solutions back to the clipboard, and then returning to your working environment and pasting in the results. This session examines some typical search problems translators face, looks at how they can be solved with a touch of “search engine theory,” and explains how IntelliWebSearch can be used to save settings and perform searches literally at the press of a keyboard shortcut.

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Client Satisfaction Surveys for Freelance Translators

During an unusually slow period, the speaker sent out a satisfaction questionnaire with the goal of bringing his services more in line with his clients’ requirements. The research he conducted on this type of survey to choose the right questions to ask gave him a totally new perspective on how his clients perceive the quality of his services.

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A freelance translator needs a CV like a fish needs a bicycle

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The Web’s the limit with “IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited”

TriKonf, the Trinational Translation ConferenceMichael Farrell, IntelliWebSearch’s creator, presented the latest version of his terminology research tool in English in the Kaminsaal.

IntelliWebSearch’s developer presenting the latest version of his terminology research tool in the Kaminsaal

IntelliWebSearch’s developer presenting the latest version of his terminology research tool in the Kaminsaal
Photo by Anne Diamantidis


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Non prendiamo navi per pecore

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The truth about transcreation: a closely guarded secret you really ought to know

Michael Farrell sets about establishing what transcreation actually involves by analysing how it differs from other language services, such as localization and traditional translation, and provides a little background and history of the term. He then goes on to perform a Gedankenexperiment to look at what the layman, including potential clients, might think transcreation actually is. Primarily, however, the main purpose of the presentation is to unmask the closet transcreators among the attendees through a group therapy approach and encourage them to admit publicly to their repressed true nature in the interest of their health, well-being, and possibly even their bank balances.

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