Tag: Workshop

Cooking up the right words: hints, tips and tricks for successful food translation

27 May 2023

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ITI Scottish NetworkIt is hard to imagine two things more intimately tied than language and food. Not just because they both require our mouths and tongues, and involve our emotions, but because they are two fundamental, defining aspects of the culture of a people. Translating food therefore poses some particularly demanding challenges that call for highly transcreative, outside-the-box thinking.
Mike will start the morning by discussing the links between language, culture and food with particular reference to Italy, and why they are so important.
After the coffee break, he will continue with a more interactive session where participants will take an analytical and critical look at some material from restaurant menus. The examples used refer to Italian cuisine, partly because it is so well known internationally and partly because this is the food Mike is most familiar with. They will be in English, although some Italian will inevitably creep in. The aim is to look at ideas for solving specific practical problems, thereby gaining insights that can be applied to food translation in general.
Participants should come away with a clear notion of the type of problems food translation poses and some ideas on how to tackle them.

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Cooking up the right words: hints, tips and tricks for successful food translation

14 October 2022

METM22It is hard to imagine two things more intimately tied than language and food. Not just because they both require our mouths and tongues and involve our emotions, but because they are two fundamental, defining aspects of the culture of a people. Translating food therefore poses some particularly demanding challenges that call for highly transcreative, outside-the-box thinking.

Participants will take an analytical and critical look at some material from menus and cookbooks. The examples used refer to Italian cuisine, partly because it is so well known internationally and partly because this is the food the facilitator is most familiar with. They will mostly be in English, although some Italian will inevitably creep in.

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Website creation and cultural customization

Editors and translators may wish to create and run websites to promote their own professional services or may want to provide copywriting, localization and editing services directly in their clients’ content management systems. This workshop offers practical knowledge on how to do this.

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Getting to grips with post-editing machine translation

To meet the growing demand for translation, post-editing of machine translation output (PEMT) is being increasingly adopted as a mainstream alternative working method. The compelling reason behind this trend is the widely reported increase in productivity compared to human translation together with a comparable and sometimes higher quality level. The skills required for post-editing are different from those needed for the editing of author-written texts and different from those required for translation. This workshop aims to familiarize attendees with post-editing methods by analysing the typical mistakes of both neural and statistical machine translation (MT). It also provides some insight into why certain errors occur in raw MT output through a presentation of the historical development of the technology. It will conclude with a discussion of when PEMT should and should not be used and how raw MT output can be improved through preparatory steps.

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Half-day practical course on post-editing

After looking at various standard industry guidelines for light and full post-editing, half the attendees will translate short texts from various languages into English or vice versa and the other half will full-post-edit machine-translated versions of the same texts. The two groups will then come together in pairs according to language combination to compare the results, along with the speaker, both in terms of productivity increase and overall quality.

In the second part of the Lab, all the attendees will receive a machine-translated text to post-edit from Italian or Spanish into English, or vice versa. While they are doing so, they will also be asked to use any knowledge they may have of how machine translation works to attempt a preliminary categorization of the errors they find. The speaker will then present an analysis of the errors in the raw outputs, as well as other typical errors which occur, in order to provide practical tips for post-editors. Most of the error types analysed are language-independent and attendees who do not normally work with Spanish or Italian but are familiar with a Neo-Latin language are still likely to find the practical exercise useful.

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Getting to grips with post-editing machine translation

To meet the growing demand for translation, post-editing of machine translation output (PEMT) is being increasingly adopted as a mainstream alternative working method. The compelling reason behind this trend is the widely reported increase in productivity compared to human translation together with a comparable and sometimes higher quality level. The skills required for post-editing are different from those needed for the editing of author-written texts and different from those required for translation. This workshop aims to familiarize attendees with post-editing methods by analysing the typical mistakes of both neural and statistical machine translation (MT). It also provides some insight into why certain errors occur in raw MT output through a presentation of the historical development of the technology. It will conclude with a discussion of when PEMT should and should not be used and how raw MT output can be improved through preparatory steps.

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Raw Output Evaluator, a freeware tool for manually assessing MT raw output

Raw Output Evaluator is a freeware tool, which runs under Microsoft Windows. It allows quality evaluators to compare and manually assess raw outputs from different machine translation engines. The outputs may be assessed in comparison to each other and to other translations of the same input source text, and in absolute terms using standard industry metrics or ones designed specifically by the evaluators themselves. The errors found may be highlighted using various colours. Thanks to a built-in stopwatch, the same program can also be used as a simple post-editing tool in order to compare the time required to post-edit MT output with how long it takes to produce an unaided human translation of the same input text. The MT outputs may be imported into the tool in a variety of formats, or pasted in from the PC Clipboard. The project files created by the tool may also be exported and re-imported in several file formats. Raw Output Evaluator was developed for use during a postgraduate course module on machine translation and post-editing.

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Tutto quello che avresti voluto sempre sapere sul post-editing ma che avevi paura di chiedere*

Ovvero un esempio del perché serve il post-editor in un solo titolo

    • Breve storia della traduzione automatica
    • Come funzionano le cose: la traduzione automatica
      (ovvero la traduzione automatica per negati)
    • Linee guida per il post-editing
    • Sfida tra post-editing e traduzione umana
    • La puzza di traduzione automatica
    • Individuazione e classificazione degli errori della traduzione automatica
    • Tecniche per migliorare la qualità dell’output grezzo

Sono previsti due esperimenti pratici dall’inglese all’italiano da eseguire con il proprio portatile/tablet, che i partecipanti sono invitati a portare con sé (eventualmente con cavi di alimentazione). Non è richiesto alcun software particolare oltre a un comune word processor, ma serve almeno una discreta conoscenza della lingua inglese.

* Il titolo principale è l’output grezzo di un noto motore di traduzione automatica neurale, senza post-editing..

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Raw Output Evaluator, a freeware tool for manually assessing raw outputs from different machine translation engines

Raw Output Evaluator

Photo courtesy of Sarah Bawa Mason

Raw Output Evaluator is a freeware tool, which runs under Microsoft Windows. It allows quality evaluators to compare and manually assess raw outputs from different machine translation engines. The outputs may be assessed in comparison to each other and to other translations of the same input source text, and in absolute terms using standard industry metrics or ones designed specifically by the evaluators themselves. The errors found may be highlighted using various colours. Thanks to a built-in stopwatch, the same program can also be used as a simple post-editing tool in order to compare the time required to post-edit MT output with how long it takes to produce an unaided human translation of the same input text. The MT outputs may be imported into the tool in a variety of formats, or pasted in from the PC Clipboard. The project files created by the tool may also be exported and re-imported in several file formats. Raw Output Evaluator was developed for use during a postgraduate course module on machine translation and post-editing.

Read the full academic paper.

Download the presentation.
Translating and the Computer 40

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Alla scoperta di IntelliWebSearch

Il workshop è articolato in due parti. La prima parte prende in esame IntelliWebSearch “così com’è di default” per vedere come può essere utilizzato per velocizzare e semplificare la ricerca terminologica in Internet. Saranno illustrate tutte le funzioni di base insieme ad alcune delle impostazioni del programma che possono essere regolate per ottimizzare il comportamento dello strumento.
Nella seconda parte, analizzeremo i problemi affrontati dai traduttori e dagli interpreti durante una tipica giornata di lavoro e ci occuperemo di come IntelliWebSearch può essere utilizzato per memorizzare impostazioni standard ed effettuare ricerche adeguate, letteralmente alla pressione di un tasto (tasto di scelta rapida). L’intero workshop, dall’inizio alla fine, prevede esercizi pratici sull’utilizzo, personalizzazione, e configurazione di IntelliWebSearch 5.

IntelliWebSearch gets Christmassy with AITI Marche

IntelliWebSearch with AITI Marche

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